Paper plots of Commodore chip layouts

As I mentioned in a previous post, Sandy Roshong Fisher worked on Commodore’s IC layout team in West Chester, PA from February, 1982 through June, 1993 when she was laid off.  During that time she worked on a large number of chips.  Sandy still has some of the paper plots of her work, which she kindly took photos of to share with us.  I’m providing them all here with her permission.

Thank you Sandy!


Here are unfinished working plots of the 2724R0. I don’t recall what it was or whether it was ever finished. I’ve included some close-ups that show it was from the early days when we used one level of metal and buried contacts.



Charlie Hauck/Bill Gardei/Ron Wantuck 1987-88 2um CMOS 6502

Fat Agnus


Linda – 1993


Cache Memory Jim Redfield engineer R0 1987, R1 1988



I found this little 3.5″x4″ 8361R4 metal only mask plot on mylar from 1985.

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